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Sunday 6 July 2008

Running as Art

You might think the title contains a typo and that it should be 'Running is (an) Art'. Which is true as well but to be honest..the title is correct: "Running as Art"
In the London museum Tate Britain you can see a sprinter running by every 30 seconds as a celebration of life. It is an art installation by the artist Martin Creed who once before had an installation of a light bulb swithing on and off in an otherwise empty room. The installation, called "Work No. 850", is on show in the 86-metre neoclassical sculpture galleries of Tate Britain. Imagine the amount of interval training the runners have to do to keep up the schedule for the next four months. The installation is on show untill the 16th of november.
The idea behind the installation is being still represents death so running (sprinting) is the opposite of death and represents life. Nothing new for the runners among us;-)

Creed in the Mirror: "Running is the opposite of being still. If you think about death as being completely still and movement as a sign of life, then the fastest movement possible is the biggest sign of life. So then running fast is like the exact opposite of death: it's an example of aliveness."
In the Telegraph Creed explains the origine of his idea: "In Palermo we went to see the catacombs of the Capuchin monks. We were very late and only had five minutes to see it all before closing time. To do it we had to run. I remember running at top speed with my friends through the catacombs looking desperately left and right at all
of the dead people hanging on the walls in their best clothes, trying our best to see it all... it was a good way to see it. It was that kind of delirious running which makes you laugh uncontrollably when you're doing it. I think it's good to see museums at high speed. It leaves time for other things."
Click here to find out more!Director Stephen Deuchar of Tate Britain called the work "compelling, simple and lyrical" and "It upsets any preconceived ideas of how to move appropriately through an art space," On its Web site, Tate Britain warns visitors: "For reasons of safety, we ask the public not to run or obstruct the runner."
Wanna know more? Here is a video from youtube with an interview with the artist and clips of the runners, running through the museum:

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