Monday, 2 November 2009
Running beats Nintendo's Brain Academy
Researcher at the University of Pittsburgh made two groups of rhesus monkeys workout each day for three months. One group just jogged and one group ran. A third group of monkey was allowed to relax.
After these three months they were treated with an injection killing the cells that produce dopamine. The same cells that die in patients with Parkinson's disease. Official title of this research: "Impact of exercise on caudate and putamen in a non-human primate model of Parkinson's disease"
But now the results: The monkeys that had to run for three months were "resistant" to this injection. The lazy monkeys were no longer able to use the arm related to the half of the brain that was injected. The running monkeys still had control over their arm.
So here you are: Just another great reason to start running! Asics new it already many years ago: "Anima Sana in Corpore Sano”, a sound mind in a sound body.
And of course there is still this book I wrote about some time ago.
For those who still don't want to run: Trian Your Brain online
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Iron in Kelloggs Special K
It is some time ago since I posted on my English blog.
In april I wrote (on ym Dutch blog on the benefits of iron. Of course you don't eat iron but as a pure substance. When you consume iron it is in the shape of minerals. At least so I thought untill recently.
On dutch TV we have programm that investigates the origine of food. It is called 'Keuringsdienst van Waarde'. The episode from last week addressen iron in food. More specific in Kelloggs Special K.
What did it show? Kelloggs contains iron in it pure form. In very small particals but pure iron nevertheless.
In its pure form and in this size of particals it is not very likely that it has any use. Besides most people eat cerials with milk. The body absorbs the calcium from milk far better.
Below the episode (of course in Dutch). If it is not working go to the site of hte programm.
By the way: This product is not allowed on the market in Danmark by the local food and health authoroties.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Trainingschedule taking you to a 5k run!
You have decide to start running. Very well! It does not matter if you started to feel fit, lose weight or just to get outside (I asume you are not starting in a
What can help as well; set a goal. For example tot take part in an organized run. Or run without pause to a certain point in your neigbourhood. once you have reached your goal award youself somehow. Again social pressure might help: Tell anyone who wants to listen about your goals. No doubt they will ask: "How about...?"
Now you have tackeled the motivation part of starting: It is obvious you won't run five kilometers (5K running terms) in one go. Build it up gradually. Below is a training schedule for a nice relaxed speed of about 7km/hour. This speed shoud enable you to talk with your running partner. If you cannot complete the distance indicated in the schedule. Divide the training in five minute intervals with 1 or 2 minutes rest in between. You´ll notice you can skipp the intervals in not time.
The ´codes´ are:
CT = Cross Training, take up some other sport like cycling or swimming on this day.
EZ = Easy, even more relaxed than the other training days. Try to focus on your surroudings, listen to the birds or in a city environment count yellow cars for that matter
Rust is Dutch for Rest
Maandag, dinsdag and so on are the days of the week
And yes, if you look closely, you´ll see you run you first 5k after 7 weaks. Time for a reward!
If you start running to loose weigth? Don't get you hopes up to high. First of all you start burning fat after some time running so you have continue after this schedule. Second you might be building up muscle tissue. this means extra weigth. Upside of this all: your metabolism will increase so you use more energy the rest of the day as well!
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Stretching yes or no? A poll
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Running a marathon indoor
If the embedded player is not shown properly follow this link):