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Wednesday 16 May 2012

101 years and still running

In London a 101 year old finished the marathon in 7 hours and 49 minutes. To be honest one could argue if this still deserves the label 'running' or even 'jogging'. But than again: 101 years old! A lot younger people have problem walking this distance.

Maybe mr. Singh himself also thinks he should crank up his speed a bit as he states that this is his last marathon race. He wants to run shorter distances, faster!

Wanna copy his lifestyle in the hope to be running a marathon at the age of 101? Cups of tea, staying happy, 10 miles of jogging or walking a day and a simple vegetarian diet.

Two statements: "The day I stop running, my body will stop altogether and that will be the end of me.” and on the marathon "“The first 20 miles are not difficult. As for last six miles, I run while talking to God.”

read more or watch the video:

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